Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.

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Why Ceramic Fiber Modules Should Not Be Used at Excessive Temperatures?

zirconia ceramic fiber modules

Why Ceramic Fiber Modules Should Not Be Used at Excessive Temperatures? Ceramic fiber modules, known as the best partner of industrial kilns, are familiar to all, and it is well understood that material selection based on temperature (operating temperature) is a fundamental principle. But why is this the case? As a high-temperature refractory insulation product, […]

Advantages of Ceramic Fiber Module Insulation for Molten Iron Ladle Cover

Advantages of Ceramic Fiber Module Insulation for Molten Iron Ladle Cover Table of Contents 1.Importance of Insulating the Molten Iron Ladle Cover Currently, the vast majority of domestic steel companies use open ladles to hold molten iron. The ladles are placed on iron ladle cars and transported from blast furnaces to steelmaking operation areas using […]

Why is Lightweight Ceramic Fiber Module Used for Carbonization Furnace?

ceramic fiber modules

Why is Lightweight Ceramic Fiber Module Used for Carbonization Furnace? Table of Contents The carbonization furnace can reach a calcination temperature of up to 1250°C, and the calcination cycle typically requires 320-420 hours. The insulation of the furnace cover is particularly important. The original structure, which is constructed with refractory bricks, has many hidden dangers […]

How to Repair Shrinkage or Detachment of Ceramic Fiber Lining in a Furnace?

How to Repair Shrinkage or Detachment of Ceramic Fiber Lining in a Furnace? Table of Contents Ceramic fiber linings are favored for most kilns due to their lightweight, refractory, and easy-to-install nature. Today, Anchor Company will introduce the methods for repairing ceramic fiber linings. PART.01 Repairing Shrinkage Seams When there are gaps wider than 5mm […]

RCF Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber

RCF Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber Aluminum silicate ceramic fiber, also known as aluminum silicate fiber module, is produced by calcining and crushing ceramic raw materials such as alumina and silica. The melted material is then spun into ceramic fiber cotton, which is further processed into ceramic fiber blankets, modules, papers, boards, and vacuum-formed products. Due […]

RCF Ceramics Fiber Module

RCF Ceramic Fiber Module Standard module/High purity module/Synthesis of high purity module/High alumina module/Zirconium module/Chrome module   Traits: After releasing strapping, the folding blanket will squeeze each other in different directions without any crack. Elastic fiber blanket can resist mechanical forces. The flexibility of fiber blanket can make up for deformation of furnace shell, so […]