Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China.

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Quality Standards for Laying Ceramic Fiber Blanket Liner

ceramic fiber blanket

Quality Standards for Laying Ceramic Fiber Blanket Liner The structure of laying ceramic fiber blanket liner allows for the selection of different temperature grades, densities, and thicknesses of ceramic fiber blankets based on their respective operating temperatures. The material selection is flexible, providing a high cost-effectiveness. The layered structure ensures that the orientation of the […]

Advantages of Ceramic Fiber Module Insulation for Molten Iron Ladle Cover

Advantages of Ceramic Fiber Module Insulation for Molten Iron Ladle Cover Table of Contents 1.Importance of Insulating the Molten Iron Ladle Cover Currently, the vast majority of domestic steel companies use open ladles to hold molten iron. The ladles are placed on iron ladle cars and transported from blast furnaces to steelmaking operation areas using […]

Why is Lightweight Ceramic Fiber Module Used for Carbonization Furnace?

ceramic fiber modules

Why is Lightweight Ceramic Fiber Module Used for Carbonization Furnace? Table of Contents The carbonization furnace can reach a calcination temperature of up to 1250°C, and the calcination cycle typically requires 320-420 hours. The insulation of the furnace cover is particularly important. The original structure, which is constructed with refractory bricks, has many hidden dangers […]

Application of Ceramic Fiber Blankets in Blocking Slag for Cast Steel

Application of Ceramic Fiber Blankets in Blocking Slag for Cast Steel Table of Contents 1. The Importance of Slag Removal in Molten Steel From the moment molten steel is tapped from the furnace until it is completely poured, the most critical operations are slag removal and purification, as well as slag blocking during pouring. This […]

Functions of Ceramic Fiber Blankets You May Not Know

ceramic fiber blanket

Functions of Ceramic Fiber Blankets You May Not Know Table of Contents When it comes to ceramic fiber blankets, people in high-temperature industries are familiar with them as refractory materials commonly used for insulation in industrial heat treatment equipment. However, Anchor Company is here to talk about the often-overlooked capabilities of ceramic fiber blankets. 1. […]

Insulating Mechanism of Ceramic Fiber Aluminum Foil Blanket

Insulating Mechanism of Ceramic Fiber Aluminum Foil Blanket Table of Contents To ensure the safe operation of thermal equipment, reduce heat energy loss, and achieve the goals of energy conservation and cost reduction, it is necessary to apply different requirements and specifications for thermal insulation treatment of thermal equipment. Therefore, the new type of ceramic […]